5 Hottest Swimwear Trends of 2021

5 Hottest Swimwear Trends of 2021

While the weather is getting hot, the beach is the best place to relax. Look up at the cerulean blue sky. Feel the warm sugar sand between your toes. Find inner peace with all of the beach beauty that surrounds you. It's so easy to be relaxed at the beach. 

Are you ready to grab some super cute swimwear for your beach vacation? Which fashionable element will you prefer on your bathing suit? High-waisted, leopard, color-block, belt&knot, strappy design, all of them are waiting for you at Blooming Jelly.com.

1 High Waisted

Photo via makennachristinexo

2. Animal Print

High Waisted Snake Skin Print Bikini | Blooming Jelly

Photo via @jaimeshrayber


Photo via laurenashleyhair_

3 Color Block

 Color Block High Waist Bikini Set

4 Strappy

5. Belt & Knot

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